El servicio municipal de agua en Zamora apuesta por la FP Dual

The Municipal Drinking Water Service of Zamora and Aquona receive the scholarship student of the Dual FP in Industrial Mechatronics in collaboration with the IES Universidad Laboral

This morning at 10 am the student of the IES Universidad Laboral has been presented at the Aquona offices in the Dual FP modality in Industrial Mechatronics that will carry out the scholarship in the municipal drinking water service in Zamora. The event was attended by the professor tutor of this, Mr. Julio Miñambres Martín, the student José María Oterino González, the head of the ETAP in Zamora Miguel Ángel González Pérez and the manager of Aquona in Zamora, Nicolás Esmorís.

The objective of the scholarship is to carry out the practices of 380 hours in the infrastructures of the municipal drinking water service in the following areas: mechanical systems, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, electrical and electronic systems, machine elements, graphic representations of mechatronic systems, configuration of said systems, quality, integration and simulation of mechatronic systems.

With this, 6 years have passed since the beginning of the collaboration with the Dual FP of Aquona in Zamora, training students of that degree in a practical and effective way in a sector where the employability rate is very high.

Note that the degree of Dual FP in Industrial Mechatronics at the IES Universidad Laboral has obtained different medals in the Spain Skills national championships and participating in world championships in this specialty, so it says a lot about the educational level existing in said modality in Zamora.

This collaboration is part of the Zamora, Agua de Aquona program and the Zamora City Council for the achievement of the objectives of sustainable development (SDG), specifically within the objective number 4 of quality education and the number 17 of alliances for the achievement of said objectives.