Suez and Aquona propose at UFIL the challenge of taking advantage of the forest mass for water purification
The company has signed the collaboration protocol with the Cuenca City Council by which it becomes a sponsor of its Urban Laboratory in Forest Bioeconomy

The mayor of Cuenca, Darío Dolz, and the regional director of Suez Centro, Jesús García del Valle, have signed today the collaboration agreement by which Grupo Suez, an international company that operates in the integral water cycle sector, both in distribution and in purification, he becomes sponsor-challenger of the Urban Forest Bioeconomy Laboratory (Urban Forest Innovation Lab - UFIL). An event in which the vice-rector of the Cuenca Campus, César Sánchez Meléndez, was also present.
The first mayor has welcomed this company and explained that the challenge it launches “has a lot to do with the raw material that the Cuenca City Council has, which are the forest masses, and is focused on water purification using precisely these forest masses ”. Referring to this, Dolz has once again emphasized that "we have to put that sleeping giant that the city and province of Cuenca has to produce in a sustainable and responsible way."
For his part, García del Valle has valued the “so innovative and up-to-date” project that is UFIL, which also “allows retaining talent, promoting entrepreneurship and doing it in a sustainable way”. At the national level, Grupo Suez has more than 10,000 professionals and supplies more than 11 million inhabitants. In the case of Castilla-La Mancha, under the Aquona brand it serves hundreds of thousands of inhabitants of 60 municipalities in the region.
Aquona has more than 50 years of experience in the territory and, according to its director, "the management of public services has evolved a lot" because "initially the objective was for the water service to reach all places, it continued introducing efficiency and service quality systems, and now we are already in a digital and sustainable management, which is where the challenge that we propose with UFIL is framed ”.
Specifically, the challenge posed to the participants of this second promotion is to work on how the forest can contribute to the purification of water in the province of Cuenca and how it can be used for this purpose without generating a negative impact on the environment and influencing on your benefits. "And from there to develop an innovative project for the future," said García del Valle.
The vice-rector of the Campus, César Sánchez Meléndez, recalled "the role that these private agents play as challengers to propose the incubation-training path through the management of a real project related to their area and their lines of business." Challenges that "allow the UFIL project to continue growing and showing the possibilities that the forest environment gives us with regard to the creation of companies in the city."
UFIL is an initiative promoted within the framework of Innovative Urban Actions (UIA), financed 80% by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Led by the Cuenca City Council, the UCLM, UPM, Community Board of Castilla-La Mancha, IED, FSC Spain, CEOE CEPYME Cuenca, Cuenca Maderas S.A. City Council participate in the UFIL project. and Khora Urban Thinkers. In addition, the Cuenca Provincial Council, Globalcaja and its foundations, and Prodese collaborate.